About Us
Bench-to-bedside Rehabilitation – Linking science and people
While a massive number of scientific publications come to light every day, the difficulty to use them as tools to better rehabilitation interventions also increases exponentially.
In fact, in its 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis, Matteo Paci and colleagues identify as barriers to evidence-based physiotherapy, among 9337 physiotherapists from more than 20 countries: lack of time (53% of physiotherapists); language (36%); lack of access (34%), and lack of statistical skills (31%).
Our purpose is to facilitate Data-driven Clinical Decision Processes in physical rehabilitation offering a set of “tools” for an easier way to search and translate evidence into practice.
BtB Rehab is primely tailored to rehabilitation professionals (PTs, Mds Ot, St…) but also user-friendly to any other clinical or non-clinical user. By this means, we intend to converge to the EUSTM translational medicine model and be the most integrated and comprehensive as possible.
Search Format
BTB Rehab uses a PICO format strategy for clinical and search reasoning.
We have built two corsets of therms, one for Interventions and other for Outcomes to facilitate the search. If you find that something is missing there, please email us your suggestions.
In order to achieve reliable results, we use Entrez Programming Utilities (E-utilities from NCBI) to search for and retrieve the requested data in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI – PubMed) database system.
By default, searches are made with [MeSH Terms] in [All Fields] using [AND] as Boolean operator, but using the Advanced Filters options, like Text availability, Article type, Publication date, or [Title/Abstract] you can also narrow your results.
BTB Reahb is fully compatible with Web Importer, so you can directly save search results into your Mendeley reference library and download PDF articles if available.
As a work in progress we are constantly thinking about new features to improve our service, so feel free to send us your suggestions. Help us to keep an innovative attitude.
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