Critically Appraised Topic Manager

A tool from the CEBMa CAT Critically Appraised Topic Manager App, freely adapted by the BTB.Rehab team. It is designed to help users critically appraise the trustworthiness of reviews, randomized and non-randomized controlled trials and interrupted time series in 5 to 10 minutes.

Studies level designs:

Very high (Level A+)High (Level A)Moderate (Level B); Limited (Level C)Low (Level D)Very low (Level D-).

CAT for Reviews

Systematic reviews /meta-analysis are level designs that can range from Very High (LEVEL A+) to Moderate (LEVEL B).

CAT for RCTs​

Randomized Controlled Studies are High (Level A) design to appropriately measure an effect, impact, or causal relation.

CAT for Non-RCTs​

Non-randomized Controlled Studies are Moderate (LEVEL B)  design to appropriately measure an effect, impact or causal relation.

CAT for Interrupted Time Series

Interrupted Time Series is a Moderate (LEVEL B) design to appropriately measure an effect, impact, or causal relation.