Using knowledge translation to establish a model of hospital-based early supported community reintegration for stroke patients in South Korea

(2021)”We designed a hospital-based multidimensional and multidisciplinary early supported community reintegration model that comprehensively included several elements of community rehabilitation in connection with hospitals and communities, taking into account the South Korean situation of lacking community rehabilitation infrastructure…It is expected that this early supported community reintegration model can be referenced in other countries that are in a transitional stage of community rehabilitation.”

Implementation of clinical practice guidelines for low back pain: A case control cohort study of knowledge translation in a multi-site healthcare organization

(2021) “The benefits of clinical practice guideline (CPG) adoption for the management of patients with back pain are well documented. However, the gap between knowledge creation and implementation remains wide with few studies documenting the iterative process of comprehensive implementation in clinical settings. The objective of this study was to improve adherent physical therapy care according to CPG’s for low back pain and describe the knowledge to action (K2A) process used in a rural healthcare organization.”

Guidelines developed under pressure. The case of the COVID-19 low-quality “rapid” guidelines and potential solutions

(2021) “Since the development of traditional (de novo) evidence-based guidelines usually require long periods of time and significant funding, rapid guidelines are necessary, and considered acceptable, in cases of an emergency scenario or where urgent guidance is required. Rapid Guidelines (RGs) are defined as those developed in short timeframes (ie, 1–3 months), although during the COVID-19 pandemic they were often developed in even shorter timeframes. To produce evidence-based guidance in a short time frame, because of the urgency, RGs often are developed with methodological shortcuts.”

Filling the gaps in knowledge translation: Physical therapy recommendations for individuals with spinal muscular atrophy compared to standard of care guidelines

(2021)”This study describes the current landscape of physical therapy practice recommendations in the United States for children with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and their relationship to current SMA standard of care (SMA-SOC) guidelines. Pediatric physical therapists were surveyed to determine their knowledge of SMA-SOC guidelines, and the type, duration and frequency of intervention they recommend for children with SMA, as well as perceived barriers and facilitators to progress in physical therapy.”