Photobiomodulation as an Adjunctive Treatment to Physiotherapy for Reduction of Anterior Knee Pain in Combat Soldiers: A Prospective, Double‐Blind, Randomized, Pragmatic, Sham‐Controlled Trial. (2021)



Combat soldiers/policemen Anterior knee pain



  • Photobiomodulation (PBM) + Photobiomodulation (PT)


  • PT + Sham PBM


  • Pain

  • Functional abilities

    Translatability:   (3/3) Easy                                    

    Comments: “Addition of Photobiomodelation to Physiotherapy for AKP resulted in earlier reduction in pain and improved functionality, compared with PT alone.”

    Limitations: Small sample (n=26); non iqual pt interventions.


    PEDro Scale  – (8/10Concealed allocation: No; Blind therapists: No.(by PEDro – confirmed)

    Risk of Bias (3/4) Allocation concealment: high/nuclear. (by RobotReviewer)

    Metrics and
    Journal Details:
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    Intervention – 1

    • PBM


    • 1+2 – 660/850 nm LED cluster – 50 mW/cm2, pulsed 2.5 Hz, 1390 mW total, 1 mn per application point (3 J/cm2
    • 3 – 810 nm single‐point laser – 200 mW,4.75 W/cm 2, 30 Scs per application point (6 J, 142.5 J/cm2)
    • 4 – 5 × 810 nm, cluster – 200 mW, 6 W/cm2, 30 seconds per application point (6 J, 180 J/cm2 per laser diode).


    • 4 weeks, biweekly 30‐mn sessions: the first weekly session included PBM/Sham + PT and the second weekly session included only PBM/Sham (total no. of treatments = 8 × PBM/Sham + 4 × PT)


    1 – 1 application to popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes with the LED cluster to reduce inflammation and stimulate drainage of edema;

    2 – 4 applications around the patella, LED cluster, with another 2 applications over the area of maximum pain to reduce inflammation and stimulate repair;

    3 – treatment of 3 to 6 muscle trigger points around the knee using the single-point laser;

    4 – treatment over the spinous processes and ipsilateral nerve root exits of L2-L5 (innervation of the knee joint) for analgesia using the Laser Cluster.

      Intervention – 2

      • PT


      • “According to the best clinical judgment of the physiotherapist”



      • “One or more of the following: stretching and strengthening of relevant muscles, soft tissue manipulation, hot packs, proprioceptive training, dry needling, electrotherapy, and taping (kinesio, rigid).”

      Gavish, L., Spitzer, E., Friedman, I., Lowe, J., Folk, N., Zarbiv, Y., Gelman, E., Vishnevski, L., Fatale, E., Herman, M., Gofshtein, R., Gam, A., Gertz, S. D., Eisenkraft, A., & Barzilay, Y. (2021). Photobiomodulation as an Adjunctive Treatment to Physiotherapy for Reduction of Anterior Knee Pain in Combat Soldiers: A Prospective, Double-Blind, Randomized, Pragmatic, Sham-Controlled Trial. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 10.1002/lsm.23442. Advance online publication.

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