Desroches, S., Lapointe, A., Marin, J., Yu, C., Tremblay, M. C., Kastner, M., & Légaré, F. (2021). Environmental Scan on Canadian Interactive Knowledge Translation Tools to Prevent Diabetes Complications in Patients With Diabetes. Canadian journal of diabetes, 45(2), 97–104.e2.
In this study, we identify existing interactive knowledge translation tools that could help patients and health-care professionals to prevent diabetes complications in the Canadian context. We conducted an environmental scan in collaboration with researchers and 4 patient partners across Canada. We conducted searches among the research team members, their networks and Twitter, and through searches in databases and Google. To be included, interactive knowledge translation tools had to meet the following criteria: used to prevent diabetes complications; used in a real-life setting; used any instructional method or material; had relevance in the Canadian context, written in English or French; developed and/or published by experts in diabetes complications or by a recognized organization; created in 2013 or after; and accessibility online or on paper. Two reviewers independently screened each record for selection and extracted the following data: authorship, objective(s), patients’ characteristics, type of diabetes complications targeted, type of knowledge users targeted and tool characteristics. We used simple descriptive statistics to summarize our results. Thirty-one of the 1,700 potentially eligible interactive knowledge translation tools were included in the scan. Tool formats included personal notebook, interactive case study, risk assessment tool, clinical pathway, decision support tool, knowledge quiz and checklist. Diabetes complications targeted by the tools included foot-related neuropathy, cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders and distress and any complications related to diabetes and kidney disease. Our results inform Canadian stakeholders interested in the prevention of diabetes complications to avoid unnecessary duplication, identify gaps in knowledge and support implementation of these tools in clinical and patients’ decision-making.