A knowledge broker facilitated intervention to improve the use of standardized assessment tools by physical therapists: A cluster randomized trial.

W Romney, N M Salbach , J S Parrott, I G Ward, J E Deutsch

Clin Rehabil. 2021 Oct 25;2692155211046460. doi: 10.1177/02692155211046460.

Objective: To compare two methods of knowledge broker support to improve standardized assessment use.

Intervention: A 10-month intervention was collaboratively designed with an external knowledge broker and physical therapists to compare full and partial implementation support. The knowledge broker provided education and strategies for implementation to the fully supported group and recommended strategies to the partially supported group that they self-implemented.

Conclusions: Knowledge broker support improved both groups standardized assessment use early on, but it was not sustained. The amount of support could not be isolated as factors that influenced use varied by groups.

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