Efficacy of kinesio taping on hand functioning in patients with mild carpal tunnel syndrome. A double-blind randomized controlled trial. (2021)



Mild carpal tunnel syndrome for at least 8 weeks



  • Exercises
  • Kinesio Taping (KT)


  • Exercises
  • Sham Kinesio Taping


  • Function

  • Disability

  • Pain

Translatability:   (3/3) Easy                                    

Comments: KT combined with specfic exercises may be more effective than exercise alone for improving hand function and symptoms in patients affected by mild CTS.
Limitations: The reproducibility of KT, a technique subjected to operator-dependent variations; KT might have different effects according to the potential anatomical differences; no data on the potential confounding factors, such as the use of anti-iflammatory drugs; small sample size.


PEDro Scale  – (8/10) Concealed allocation: No; Blind therapists: No. (by PEDro – confirmed)

Trustworthiness – The study contains no serious weaknesses. Based on this result you should conclude that the trustworthiness of the study is high (90%). This means there is a 10% chance that alternative explanations for the effect found are possible. The effect size was large and 95% CI was OK. (by CAT)

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Intervention – 1

  • Exercise


  • 10 repetions


  • 2 sessions/week for 5 weeks


1) active mobilization of interosseous muscles;  2) activation of flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus; 3) active opposition of the thumb on the palm of the hand; 4) active opposition of thumb on each finger distal phalanx; 5) active metacarpophalangeal joints mobilization; 6) active flexion and extension of the radiocarpal joint.

    Intervention – 2

    • Kinesio taping



    • Patients wore KT until the following session.


    According to the lymphatic correction technique, proposed by Kase (2003). The tape was cut in five strips and applied on palm and dorsum of patients’ hands (wrist at 30 ° extension, forearm in supination, and elbow in extension), using a very light tension (0- 15% of available), to relieve iflammation and edema.


    A. de Sire, C. Curci, M. Ferrara et al., Effectiveness of kinesio taping on hand functioning in patients with mild
    carpal tunnel syndrome. A double-blind randomized controlled trial, Journal of Hand Therapy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jht.2021.04.011

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