High-intensity laser therapy versus pulsed electromagnetic field in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. (2017)



Female diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea, aged between 18–24 years (n=52)


  • Intensity laser therapy (HILT)


  • Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF)


  • Pain

  • Prostaglandin level in blood

Translatability:   (3/3) Easy                                    

Comments: “It was concluded that HILT and PEMF are effective modalities in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea, with HILT being more effective modality which can be used as an alternative conservative therapy rather than medication that have numerous side effects.”
Limitations: No “Conflicts of interest ” or “Funding” declaration. 


PEDro Scale  – (4/10) Concealed allocation: No; Blind subjects: No; Blind therapists: No; Blind assessors: No; Adequate follow-up: No; Intention-to-treat analysis: No.  (by PEDro – confirmed)

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Intervention – 1

  • HILT (Nd:YAG), with pulsed emission (1,064 nm)


  • Initial Phase (IP), laser fluency was set to 510 mJ/cm2 for total 350 J, 10 min.

  • intermediate phase (IntP), 20 J and fluency of 610 mJ/cm2 and 14 sec for each point for total of 180 J, 10 min.

  • final phase (FP), was the same as IP, 15 min.


  • 3 sessions every cycle for 3 consecutive cycles.


IN –  fast scanning for suprapubic and paravertebral regions from L4–S3 

IntP – applied using a headpiece to nine point, three points supra-pubically while the patient in crock lying position, and six points over the lumbosacral region from L4–S3 three shoots for each side while the patient in prone lying position with. 

FP – was the same as IP but with slow scanning .

    Intervention – 2

    • PEMF


    • 50 Hz and intensity of 60 gauss for 30 min.


    • 3 sessions every cycle for 3 consecutive cycles.


    Participant lying in a comfortable modified side lying position with small paddings under her body curves. Then, PEMF was applied with one electrode above suprapubic region and another electrode on the lumbosacral region from (L4−S3) supported by long strap.

    Citation: Thabet, A., Elsodany, A. M., Battecha, K. H., Alshehri, M. A., & Refaat, B. (2017). High-intensity laser therapy versus pulsed electromagnetic field in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. Journal of physical therapy science,29(10), 1742–1748. https://doi.org/10.1589/jpts.29.1742

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